Pilgrimage to Chimayo, A Sanctuary of Love

Come Pilgrims, From The Four Corners Of The Earth…
Nestled in the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, at an elevation of 6,067 feet, lies the rustic village of Chimayó, New Mexico. This quaint, tucked away area of New Mexico is a mere 90-minute drive from our SantuaRio Grande Bed and Breakfast, making it an ideal destination for a day trip steeped in history, culture, and spirituality.
The road trip to Chimayó is one of those drives that seeps into your soul—winding through high desert, past rugged mesas, evoking a sense as if you’re in an actual landscape depicting the quintessential southwest. All framed by the distant, ever-watchful Sangre de Cristo Mountains. The journey itself feels like a passage through time, a slow peeling away of the everyday world as you approach something older, weightier, and deeply spiritual.
El Santuario de Chimayó
Chimayó is perhaps best known for El Santaurio de Chimayo, a revered Catholic chapel often dubbed the “Lourdes of America.” Built around 1816, the sanctuary has long been a pilgrimage site, still attracting modern visitors. Many are drawn by tales of miraculous healings attributed to the “holy dirt” found within a small well, or el pocito, inside the chapel. This tradition of seeking physical and spiritual healing at the site dates back centuries, with roots in both Indigenous and Spanish colonial beliefs. nps.gov Long before the Spaniards arrived, the area was considered a healing sanctuary by the Pueblo Indians, who believed the hot springs in the area were inhabited by healing spirits. Even after the springs dried up, the site retained its reputation as a place of spiritual renewal. spiritualtravels.info.
El Santuario de Chimayó is a place unlike any other. I, personally, didn’t go looking for a miracle, but I found myself caught in the raw emotion of the place, a space thick with grief and yet pulsing with hope. Inside, thousands of photographs cover the walls, each face staring back with silent pleas for healing. A child, a father, a wife, a friend—loved ones frozen in time, placed here by those who still carry their prayers. In the Santo Niño Chapel, children’s chapel, tiny shoes are adhered to the walls and ceiling, heartbreaking in their sheer numbers, uncanny almost, each one representing a whispered prayer for a little one to be spared of their illness.
The energy in all the buildings there is palpable! Heavy. Sacred. I found myself drawn toward the tiny room where visitors gather the famous “holy dirt.” The space held crutches left behind by those who believed they no longer needed them, alongside old Catholic figurines and holy water stoups. Taking pictures or videos inside the chapels is not allowed. Whether it is faith, divine intervention, or the sheer power of belief, people have reported miraculous recoveries. Testimonies tell of individuals who arrived unable to walk and left unassisted, or of chronic illnesses vanishing after a visit to this small, unassuming sanctuary.
Is it Superstition?
Is it the power of God? Or is it perhaps the mind’s ability to heal itself when belief is strong enough? Whatever the source, hope is tangible here, woven into the very fabric of the place. The mind’s ability to influence matter, now backed by scientific research, has long captivated my curiosity and shaped my professional journey. Having worked with clients for over 25 years, I have witnessed firsthand the profound impact of deep-seated beliefs on the body and its innate ability to heal itself. My bodywork sessions always invite clients to explore the mind-body connection, to understand how thought and intention shape their physical experiences of reality.
Hallowed Grounds
Even if you don’t consider yourself religious, it’s impossible to ignore the reverence with which visitors approach this space. Some kneel, perhaps some even need to weep, some sit in silence, absorbing the centuries of faith embedded in the adobe walls. I found the energy of the entire area to be both eerily haunting and peacefully serene. It’s a place that demands reflection, that makes you stop and wonder about the mysteries of healing and the powerful emotions carried by those who visit.
Ranchos de Chimayó
After immersing yourself in the profound energy of El Santuario de Chimayó, a meal at Rancho de Chimayó, provides a grounding return to the physical world. The food is as rich as the land itself, with heirloom Chimayó chile adding a depth of flavor that lingers long after the last bite. It is a fitting way to end a visit here, warmed from the inside out, carrying the experience with you, whether you came seeking healing or simply to bear witness.
Home Again
And as the road unwinds back home to SantuaRio Grande, the quiet expanse of the desert and the rugged mesas standing sentinel along the way offer space to reflect and process the experience. As the healing energy of Chimayó and the unique spirit of New Mexico settle within you, they become part of your own journey of renewal.
At SantuaRio Grande, we believe that travel should nourish the body, mind, and soul. A day trip to Chimayó is more than a visit—it’s a pilgrimage of the heart, a reminder that healing might just be found in the most unexpected places, including the sacred space within where God dwells.
Ready for the journey? Chimayó awaits.

"Peregrinos, el Señor nos invita a su Santuario de Amor" Come pilgrims from the four corners of the earth, the Lord has invited us to walk to his shrine of love in Chimayo. Here we will find the "holy dirt" that strengthens us and purifies the faith that takes away our pain.

the three crosses may represent, to some, rebellion, repentance, and redemption

Santo Niño Chapel
the Children's Chapel in Chimayo

Brisk Sunshine, Feeling Blessed

through this small unassuming doorway...